Tuesday, April 14, 2015

All Things Ten!

Ten As a Symbol
Cardinal: TEN
Hindu-Arabic: 10
Ordinate: Tenth
Roman: X

Pythagorean number: the decade
1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5; 2x5

Roman Words of Ten: decem, decimus decimeter: December (Roman 10th month) decimal. deni: ten each

The Greeks used the word deka for ten, which appears in our words like decameter, decathlon, decade, decapod (lobster). Mmmm. Love those decapods.

Ten Associations:
  • ten fingers
  • ten toes
  • Tenth month: October
  • 10:00
  • December is the tenth month in the Roman calendar
  • decade
Science, Technology References:
  • Neon's, Ne, periodic number is ten
  • Metric system
  • Combination of 1 and 0 creates the binary system
  • Powers of ten
  • Monetary: Sawbuck, ten dollar bill, dime
  • The FBI has the Ten Most Wanted list.
  • The Ten Commandments is a guideline for good Christians as expressed in the 10th Commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, nor thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbours'. 
  • There were also the ten plagues brought on the Egyptians in Exodus
  • Ten classes of angels
  • Ten names of God: Ehyeh, Yh, Jehovah, El the Mighty One, Eloah, Elohim, Sabaoth, Elohim Sabaoth, El Hayy, The Mighty Living One, Adonay the Lord.
  • Judaism has the Ten Sephiroth (emanations) of the Qabalah (Kabbalah).
  • They also have the ten lost tribes, exiled from Israel by conquerors.
In games, and sports bowling has ten pins, and dice has the big ten.

  • Tarot: The tenth sign in astrology is the House of Capricorn, ruled by the planet Saturn, and symbolized by the goat. It is indicative of a driven, hard-working, and committed person born under this auspicious sign.
  • Astrology: Capricorn is the Tenth House and is ruled by the planet Saturn. It deals with a person's place in the world and their legacy.

Literary, folklore, art:

In prophecy, ten represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. One combined with 0 indicates a complete cycle through the basic integers. One and zero are also the basis of binary code which operates computers in which technology changed our world. This is a basic yes - no operation showing a basic polarity (existing - nonexistent) between the digits. This relates to prophesy, when one, the first number which represents God, has a zero, representing infinity, added, the result is a statement that 'there is only one God without end who knows no bounds.' It is therefore considered a particularly fortunate number and holds the promise of victory in difficult situations. Ten is also seen as a 'holy' number, and it is surrounded in mystic beliefs stemming from antiquity. The Godhead 'Io' was believed to be both masculine and feminine. The 'I' represented the male phallus and the 'O' the female womb through which all creation was projected.

Ten is the greatest of all numbers because it is the Tetraktys and comprehends all harmonic and arithmetic proportions. Pythagoras viewed ten as the nature of numbers.

Ten also has some 'key' words of prophecy tied to it: age, power, faith, necessity, memory, and tirelessness. The number is also associated with Urania, Zuse and Mnemosyne's daughter. She was considered the muse of the stars and heaven, therefore of astrology; Phanes, the One God and Atlas.

Like all numbers, there are negative connotations.

In Tarot, the tenth card is the Wheel of Fortune which shows the perpetual motion of time and can be translated into creative evolution within the laws of chance or just the ups and downs of life.

In common language usage and slang we have the gallon hat, ten bucks, the top ten, hang ten in surfing, take ten,· ten percenter, and the· perfect ten.

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