Saturday, November 21, 2015

Doing Kindness

Bill is usually the one to stop when someone's car is on the roadside and it looks like the driver is having a problem. I've heard warnings for women not to stop, as the problem might turn out to be their own, so I'm always wary. Yet, once last year on the way into a school, I saw an older pickup truck on the roadside with a man and a woman outside the truck. There wasn't much traffic, and it was very cold and gray out. I passed them, and having second thoughts, turned around and went back.

The woman recognized me, and I think she said I had been her instructor. Once students are out of my class, I usually forget their names because I have a whole new set to remember, so while she looked familiar, I didn't recognize her. They were out of gas. I offered to drive her to the party store three or four miles up the road and bring her back. At the store, I went in bought a cup of coffee and told the clerk to ring her gas up on my card. I waited in my car for my passenger to return from inside the store. She said someone paid for the gas and guessed that I had. She thanked me while I started the drive back to the truck. She chatted a lot, and I think I remember her saying her husband was on the way to a job interview or was just starting a job, can't remember, but I was glad I stopped.  I know how upsetting running out of gas can be. Dropping her off, I was soon on my way to work. Hopefully, I helped turn the bad start of that couple's day a little brighter, but I realized that the stop had made my day better just knowing I had made a tiny difference in the world.

With what has happened in Paris this past weekend, and all the turmoil over accepting immigrants, I realized in a world filled with hate, bigotry, and distrust, such simple actions as helping strangers can help alleviate fear and restore a sense that not everything is bad, tiny bit by bit.

Please visit the following blogs relating to other random acts of kindness.

Diane Bator
Skye Taylor  
Fiona McGier
Bob Rich     
Marci Baun 
Connie Vines 
Rachael Kosinsk
Hollie Glover 
Judy Copek 
Anne Stenhouse


  1. That was a lovely thing to do. I hope that his interview or new job turned out well for him.

    I'm like you in that I'm leary helping someone stopped on the side of the road. I've done it, but it's been a long time. It's so sad that we live in a world where we need to be that way. However, I know that acts of kindness make a difference. Some days, it's easier to be kind than others. Perhaps if we were kinder to ourselves, we'd find it easier to be kinder to others.


  2. Rhobin, you didn't make a tiny difference, but a huge one. That couple will remember your kindness, and will pass it on.

    In fact, this kind of action is the only thing that can make a difference.


  3. It's a special blessing when you know you made a difference.

  4. Hi Rhobhin, A big difference, I would say because even if the husband didn't get that job, he would know someone was rooting for him when the next application came up, anne

  5. You're a good lady, Rhobhin. Those are the random acts of kindness that truly count, one human being to another.

  6. Rhobin,

    That was a very brave thing to do. Everyone who's ever mentioned the subject of cars beside the road has stressed the "don't stop whatever you do" lesson because it might be a ploy for a carjacking, kidnapping, robbery or worse. It's wonderful though that you helped the couple out, especially since they were innocents and just trying to get to a job interview! The world is kind of a scary place and it's not always easy to tell. I'm glad the couple ended up just being a couple in need and not people with other plans!
